BAUM 20 MIRT Transfer Conveyor Features:
- Mobile Design
- Variable Speed DC Drive
- Sealed ball bearings
BAUM provides more than standard folding solutions by utilizing select folding machine modules for other applications. MIRT is the short version name for Mobile Independent Right-Hand Transfer conveyor. These unique units have several applications:
- To transport stitched booklets from stitchers or booklet-makers where a fold is needed parallel to the spine of the booklet to make the flat size smaller for mailings. A BAUM K20 Knife folder is used to make the parallel fold after the MIRT transfers the booklet.
- To sequence sheets back into order from multiple up east/west, north/south printing
- Can be used as in-line registration table with various inkjet and remoistenable gluing applications
- Used in place of Bump-Turn table
Baum MILT 20 Left Hand Transfer Conveyor